Lake Environmental Association Message

LEA would like to share the following message with our members.

Please consider contacting your representatives and signing the petition. LEA believes that the passage of these bills will help protect water quality throughout the state. Thank you for taking the time to read this important message

With 1 click you can help double NPS funds- $10M over 5 Years!

Toni Pied and Tamara Whitmore of Friends of the Cobbossee Watershed demonstrated for LD 178 at the State House on April 4, 2018. Add your voice to theirs by signing on to this petition today. It will carry your support for clean and healthy water to the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee. That committee will vote up or down very soon on our $5M Bond to Provide Jobs, Improve Infrastructure and Protect Water Resources (LD 178) as well as a $50M Bond to Fund Wastewater Infrastructure Projects (LD 1510). 178 will double funds for stormwater abatement (think 319 projects), and 1510 deals with very serious point sources- septic overflows. It’s going to be a close thing! Our waters – from small streams to the gulf – need our help.

This is a rare chance to do so much good with just one click! Please sign on.

Maggie Shannon, for the Maine Lakes Society