5 Ways Collins Pond Residents Can Help With Water Clarity

Use no-phosphorus fertilizer on lawns and gardens
Be sure to check the bags when you buy them. Look for the package formula of nitrate-phosphorus-potassium, such as 22-0-15. The middle number, representing phosphorus, should be 0.
Keep grass clippings in the lawn
When mowing the grass, avoid blowing grass clippings into the street, where they wash into storm sewers that drain to lakes and rivers.
Keep leaves and other organic matter out of the street
Again, streets drain to storm sewers, which in turn drain to rivers and lakes.
Sweep it
Sweep up any grass clippings or fertilizer spills on driveways, sidewalks and streets.
Leave a wide strip of deep-rooted plants along shoreland
Instead of planting and mowing turfgrass here, plant wildflowers, ornamental grasses, shrubs or trees. These plantings absorb and filter runoff that contains nutrients and soil, as well as provide habitat for wildlife.