Evergreen Credit union Water Adventure Fundraising Raffle

Enter the Evergreen Credit Union raffle to help raise funds for deserving non-profits, and you might be the lucky winner of a L. L. Bean solo kayak, paddle and equipment.

Once again Collins Pond Improvement Association has been chosen as one of beneficiaries. Your support will not only help CPIA mission to fight to control/eradication of invasive species in our pond & watershed but to support our neighboring lakes, food pantries & the Animal Refuge League and their missions!

New this year you can purchase your tickets online. Click here to support Collins Pond by purchase tickets. Four Water Adventure packages are being raffled!

  • 2 Entries $5
  • 5 Entries $10
  • 20 Entries $20

Collins Pond Improvement Association is grateful to Evergreen Credit Union for their generosity, trust and most importantly their commitment in our mission of protecting Maine’s natural resources.