2023 New England Milfoil Survey

 New England Milfoil performed a diver survey last September, post herbicide treatment.  The diver was towed through the water to be able survey for plants at depths not visible from the surface. It is rare that the proper sun angle and calm winds occur at the same time to enable you to see more than a few feet below the surface. Surveying using a swimmer with mask and snorkel is better but still only good for a few feet down. New England Milfoil spent hours crisscrossing the lake and created the attached map using GPS points to indicate areas where they still found milfoil plants after the herbicide treatment last summer. The colored below circles in the map below indicate different concentrations of milfoil. The deeper areas in the center of the lake were less affected by the herbicide.

All the areas circled on the map are where the herbicide applicator will focus when he returns this summer. It is still expected that at least some annual DASH work will be needed in the future, but the herbicide treatment appears to have knocked the infestation down greatly. 

Report provided by Rodger Patterson.