Category Archives: How you can help

Town Parking Bans for CPWRA Roads

Notice from Collins Pond West Side Road Association:

Windham has a parking ban policy for ALL roads that the town plows. This includes CPWSRA roads.

On narrow dead-end roads, plow trucks will use properties at the ends of the road to turn around. If you park straight in on a dead-end, then the town plow will block you in.

The Town or the Road Association is not responsible to remove snow or sand piles off your property or for snow markers that were placed in the roadway.

Town of Windham announces parking bans on radio, TV and other various social media apps.

It’s grow time!

For this entire month of November 2022

Collins Pond Improvement Association will receive $1 from every specially marked Bloomin’ 4 Good bouquet sold at: Hannaford, 797 Roosevelt Trail, Windham Mall, No. Windham ME

The Hannaford Bloomin’ 4 Good Program, which launched in August 2021, is an easy way for shoppers to give back. Every Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet with the red circle sticker sold supports a nonprofit organization local to the Hannaford in which it was purchased.

Collins Ponds Improvement Asso. was selected as the November beneficiary by local store leadership at the
Hannaford located at Windham ME. CPIA will receive a $1 donation for every Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet with the red circle sticker purchased at this Hannaford location in November.

Flowers can make someone’s day, brighten a room or spread a smile.
Now they can give back to our local communities, too. Purchase a
Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet at Windham Maine Hannaford in November to help our organization support our mission!

Hannaford Community Bag Program

Collins Pond Improvement Association To Benefit!

You can help our mission to protect & conserve the natural resources of Collins Pond and its shorelines, water quality & watershed by spreading the word!

The Hannaford Community Bag Program is designed to give back to the local community with every reusable bag purchased. Every $2.50 reusable Community Bag sold supports a non-profit local to the store in which it was purchased. This program offers a way for shoppers to give back as part of the regular weekly routine.

Every month, at every Hannaford location a different local non-profit is selected to benefit from the sale of these special reusable Community Bags. Collins Pond Improvement Association was selected as the August beneficiary by local store leadership at the store located at Windham. CPIA will receive a $1 donation for every $2.50 reusable Community Bag purchased at this location in August.

For more information about the Hannaford Community Bag Program, please visit

Lakes Like Less Lawn

Published by: Portland Water

Why Do Lakes Like Less Lawn?
Whether you have lakefront property or live many feet from the lake, you can help protect lake
water quality by reducing your lawn and making your property more beautiful and more valuable
at the same time. The goal of this publication is to show you how!
When it rains, most of the water runs off smooth surfaces, such as lawns, instead of soaking in.
And shallow grass root systems do little to prevent soil erosion. This means fertilizers and pesticides
applied to lawns end up in the lake where they feed algae and degrade water quality. Eroded soil also
feeds algae and too much algae in a lake can make the water murky and green. Studies have shown
that property values are lower on lakes with less clear water. Too much algae in a lake also lowers
oxygen levels in the water which can threaten cold water fish species, other wildlife, and a healthy
lake habitat.
By planting a variety of trees, shrubs, ground covers, and flowering perennials you can protect
the lake. All of these have deeper root systems that hold soil in place, absorb more runoff, and filter
out more pollutants than grass. Native plant species are the best to use because they are adapted to
local conditions. This means they require little maintenance once established, so you’ll have more
time to relax and enjoy the lake. Plus, they provide important habitat and food for birds, butterflies,
and other wildlife. (link above to full article)

Chinese Mystery Snails in Collins Pond

Have you seen any of these large snails in Collins Pond? They have been identified as Chinese Mystery Snails, an invasive aquatic species.  They are larger than a walnut shell.

If you find any live snails, please mark where you find them and let us know. Two empty shells were discovered while gathering milfoil and have been identified by Lake Stewards of Maine, and reported as a suspected invasive species. 

Lake Stewards of Maine would like to know whether we have a live infestation or whether the shells have floated down river from Little Sebago or Millpond. Thank you for keeping an eye out for these unwanted Chinese Mystery Snails.  You may contact us at

Posted by Cheryl Andre

Evergreen Credit union Water Adventure Fundraising Raffle

Enter the Evergreen Credit Union raffle to help raise funds for deserving non-profits, and you might be the lucky winner of a L. L. Bean solo kayak, paddle and equipment.

Once again Collins Pond Improvement Association has been chosen as one of beneficiaries. Your support will not only help CPIA mission to fight to control/eradication of invasive species in our pond & watershed but to support our neighboring lakes, food pantries & the Animal Refuge League and their missions!

New this year you can purchase your tickets online. Click here to support Collins Pond by purchase tickets. Four Water Adventure packages are being raffled!

  • 2 Entries $5
  • 5 Entries $10
  • 20 Entries $20

Collins Pond Improvement Association is grateful to Evergreen Credit Union for their generosity, trust and most importantly their commitment in our mission of protecting Maine’s natural resources.

Water Adventure Raffle raises funds for local Maine lakes

Enter to win and help us raise funds for deserving non-profits.

Twelve lucky winners* will receive one of the following:

Fundraising raffle tickets available at any Evergreen branch location up to July 16th. 

Ticket Prices:

  •    2 for $5
  •    5 for $10
  •    20 for $20

Details visit:

All proceeds benefit:

*You do not need to be a member of Evergreen Credit Union to win, and there is no limit to the number of raffle tickets any person can purchase.  Winners do not need to be present to win. 3 winners will be drawn at each of our 4 branches. Winners will be notified by phone and/or email within 5 business days. If a winner fails to respond by August 1, 2019, they forfeit the prize. Sponsors have no liability once the winner receives their prize.  Retail value of each of the three prizes is between $250 and $600. Winners of the Inflatable Paddleboard Package will receive a 1099 Tax Form for 2019 filing and must complete IRS Form W-2G.  Employees (full or part time) and Board Members of Evergreen Credit Union and their families are not eligible to participate.

New England Milfoil is back!

The crew from New England Milfoil will be back at work removing milfoil from Collins Pond. Grants from the Maine DEP and the Town of Windham are helping to support this work, along with your donations.

NE Milfoil Schedule:

  • Sunday June 30 – Wednesday, July 3rd. (Two DASH boats working during this time.)
  • Monday, September 23 – Thursday, September 26th ( One DASH Boat)

Here are some ways you can help with the effort!

  1. Click on the DONATE button to assist in this effort.
  2. Rake up lose milfoil from your shoreline.
  3. Help find a location nearby to accepted the milfoil we harvest or if you have land you can allocate for this purpose, please email Roger or Cheryl at or The further away New England Milfoil has to travel to dispose the milfoil, the less time they have to harvest on our pond.
Did you know Milfoil is touted as a wonderful fertilizer for gardens. See below links to articles on how milfoil is being used on organic farms.

6 Tips to Prevent and Treat Swimmer’s Itch

In my research on Swimmer’s  Itch I came across the below list of tips.  Not all relevant to our pond, but most!

As our folks around the pond become more aware how harmful it is for us humans, water quality and the waterfowl by feeding the waterfowl,  hopefully we will have less cases  of swimmer’s itch reported this season.

1. Avoid Busy Beaches – Swimmer’s Itch is most common in highly populated beaches where ducks, especially the merganser duck, and snails are commonly found. Avoiding these swimming areas will decrease your chances of coming in contact with the parasite in the first place. Deeper water and moving water, such as rivers, are also less likely to carry the larvae in search of hosts.

2. Towel Off – Kids are most susceptible to swimmers itch as they tend to spend long amounts of time in shallow water and air dry. Try to towel off agressively after each swim.

3. Protect Your Skin – Creating a waterproof barrier seems to help prevent the parasites from burrowing into the skin. One way to do that is with Baby Oil. But you’re going to want sunblock to go under that. And kids are squirmy enough putting on one protective layer, much less two. We’ve discovered two brands of sunblock that do the job. Bullfrog gel sunblock works pretty well and is readily available in most stores. But we’ve had the best luck with a Wisconsin product called Swimmer’s Itch Guard. It’s made from natural ingredients, smells and feels a lot like vapor rub, but it works like a dream. This is the best prevention we’ve found. You can find it in a few Traverse City stores, and order it online here: It’s pricy, but if your kids plan to spend much time in the water it’s well worth it.

4. Don’t Panic – If you get the dreaded itch don’t panic and swear off swimming for the rest of the season. The bumps will itch for a day or two then they’ll just be red and ugly but not painful. The more sensitive your skin is the more susceptible you are to the parasites. I’ve swam with my kids and never got it when they’ve been covered. So it doesn’t affect everyone the same way.Unfortunately if you’ve had it once, you’re more likely to get it again.

5. Treatment – Applying an antihistamine creme on the spots to help with the itch, or swallowing a dose of Benadryl if it’s really bad, has always helped my family. The bumps will go away in about a week. (The worst part is the fearful look you get from strangers who think you have a raging case of measles.)

6. Don’t Feed the Ducks! – Waterfowl like merganser ducks, Canada geese, swans, and mallards are the hosts of these parasites. The eggs are returned to the water in the duck feces thereby repeating the life cycle. When the ducks are fed at beaches they congregate there thus making those sites especially susceptible to Swimmer’s Itch. On lakes where swimmer’s itch is common you can expect every common merganser duck is infected and capable of spreading the parasite.