Category Archives: News

Milfoil Update

In 2006 the Collins Pond Improvement Association began a project to reduce the infestation of hybrid variable leaf milfoil in Collins Pond. Eradication of this non-native plant has always been the long-term goal but reducing the heaviest infestations had become the most practical annual project. The majority of the cost of our long-term project has been covered by the Maine DEP Plant Control grant program. The remainder of the cost of the project has been supported by donations from our lake association members and several local businesses in addition to the Town of Windham Watershed Protection grant program.

            To eradicate milfoil you must either remove the entire plant including the root ball or smother the plants using benthic mats. We started using the mats in 2006 expanding their use until we collected enough money to build our own DASH boat (Diver Assisted Suction Harvester).  In 2010 we began using our DASH boat with our own trained, volunteer divers and crews. In 2014 we began annually hiring a local private contractor that specialized in removing invasive plants to supplement our own efforts. The cost of maintaining and insuring our own boat along with the gradual aging-out of our volunteer crews made it necessary to retire our own boat in 2022. Since 2010 we have harvested over 178,000 gallons of milfoil plants which have been composted on local farms. We continued to work with the staff at the Maine DEP Invasive Species Program to develop the most effective method to eradicate this invasive plant.

            In 2023 the Maine DEP agreed to develop an herbicide treatment plan in order to get better control over this infestation. Collins Pond was a good candidate for this treatment due to its relatively small size and extensive areas of infestation. It was hoped that one treatment might control the plants but a follow-up treatment in 2024 was always a possibility. The diver survey performed at the end of the summer, 2023, showed that the treatment was very successful but that concentrations of plants still existed. The DEP suggested that one more treatment would be needed in 2024. As in 2023, we partnered with the DEP to send out notices to property abutters, posted notices around the lake where people would access the water and at the central cluster mailbox location.        

            The herbicide treatment was performed on August 14th by the licensed applicator and was overseen by the DEP staff. The DEP staff also performed water testing at that time and later to determine that the concentration of herbicide was correct on the day of treatment and also when it was no longer detectable. The herbicide chosen by the DEP, ProcellaCOR, was used because of its relative safety. It is fairly specific in its ability to kill the milfoil plants with little harm to most other native plants. There were no concerns about toxicity to fish or other wildlife in or on the lake at the concentration that was used.

            A diver survey was performed on October 30th and no viable milfoil plants were seen, only rotted stems with no leaves in a few areas. The native plants looked healthy and there were no adverse effects on the fish and other lake wildlife.

            We will plan on a week of DASH work next summer in case there is a regrowth of milfoil in some areas. Prior to the treatment this summer there was very limited regrowth noted except where plants during the post-treatment survey in 2023.

2023 New England Milfoil Survey

 New England Milfoil performed a diver survey last September, post herbicide treatment.  The diver was towed through the water to be able survey for plants at depths not visible from the surface. It is rare that the proper sun angle and calm winds occur at the same time to enable you to see more than a few feet below the surface. Surveying using a swimmer with mask and snorkel is better but still only good for a few feet down. New England Milfoil spent hours crisscrossing the lake and created the attached map using GPS points to indicate areas where they still found milfoil plants after the herbicide treatment last summer. The colored below circles in the map below indicate different concentrations of milfoil. The deeper areas in the center of the lake were less affected by the herbicide.

All the areas circled on the map are where the herbicide applicator will focus when he returns this summer. It is still expected that at least some annual DASH work will be needed in the future, but the herbicide treatment appears to have knocked the infestation down greatly. 

Report provided by Rodger Patterson.

Full Moon Paddle

Collins Pond Neighbors, we are planning our first “Full Moon” paddle of the year for Friday, May 24th. Meetup in the center of the pond @ 7:00. In all honesty, we have never stayed out long enough to see the moon actually rise over all our surrounding trees, but the get together is fun. Last year the double crested cormorants put on quite an acrobatic show for us on one of the paddles. Headlamps are helpful for safe returns.

2024 CPIA Annual Meeting

June 24, 2024 – 9:00 AM Alfiero’s Residence, 13 Fern Ave, Windham Me

This is the Pond Association Annual Meeting, not the West Side Road Association.

Paddle/Driving Directions:

By boat you may pull up to the dock or to the beach.  Vehicle parking is available along fern Ave and at the top of the hill by the post office boxes.

Alfiero’s Residence waterside


This is the public notice mailed out to everyone on the CPIA mailing list and also posted in the Portland Press Herald regarding the public informational meeting to be held Monday May 22nd at 6pm in the Windham High School cafeteria regarding the next step in fighting milfoil in Collins Pond.

The Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Environmental Assessment’s Invasive Aquatic Species Program (IASP), intends to file a Notice of Intent (NOI) with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Management for herbicide treatment of Collins Pond (Windham, ME) to control the invasive aquatic plant hybrid variable-leaved water-milfoil ( Myriophyllum heterophyllum X laxum ).

The application is for a permit to discharge the aquatic herbicide Procellacor EC (active ingredient florpyrauxifen-benzyl) via subsurface injection through perforated hose from a surface watercraft into Collins Pond. Depending on the extent of invasive milfoil growth in 2023, the herbicide will be applied to all or a portion of the pond. The treatment will likely occur in June or July 2023. The treatment goal is to significantly diminish the hybrid variable-leaved water-milfoil in Collins Pond to reduce risk of spread and allow future management with non-chemical control methods. The treatment is part of a five-year management plan.

The IASP will hold an in-person public information meeting regarding this proposed herbicide treatment on Monday, May 22, 2023, at 6 p.m. at the Windham High School cafeteria ( 406 Gray Rd, Windham, ME).

Upon treatment, the IASP will post these advisories for the area treated: l ? Do not use lake water for hydroponic, greenhouse or nursery irrigation before contacting the IASP to confirm the herbicide has dissipated l ? Do not use lake water for any residential or non-agricultural irrigation (such as shoreline property use for irrigation of residential landscape plants and homeowner gardens, golf course irrigation, and non-residential property irrigation around business or industrial properties) for 3 days following treatment. l ?

There is no swimming restriction for florpyrauxifen-benzyl but the IASP advises residents not to swim within treated areas on the day of treatment as an added safety measure. The NOI will be submitted around May 24, 2023 and will be available via email along with dates of NOI submission, NOI approval and herbicide treatment.

More information is available from the DEP IASP Coordinator, Maine DEP, State House Station 17, Augusta, ME 04333 ( ; 207-215-9863).

Town Parking Bans for CPWRA Roads

Notice from Collins Pond West Side Road Association:

Windham has a parking ban policy for ALL roads that the town plows. This includes CPWSRA roads.

On narrow dead-end roads, plow trucks will use properties at the ends of the road to turn around. If you park straight in on a dead-end, then the town plow will block you in.

The Town or the Road Association is not responsible to remove snow or sand piles off your property or for snow markers that were placed in the roadway.

Town of Windham announces parking bans on radio, TV and other various social media apps.

It’s grow time!

For this entire month of November 2022

Collins Pond Improvement Association will receive $1 from every specially marked Bloomin’ 4 Good bouquet sold at: Hannaford, 797 Roosevelt Trail, Windham Mall, No. Windham ME

The Hannaford Bloomin’ 4 Good Program, which launched in August 2021, is an easy way for shoppers to give back. Every Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet with the red circle sticker sold supports a nonprofit organization local to the Hannaford in which it was purchased.

Collins Ponds Improvement Asso. was selected as the November beneficiary by local store leadership at the
Hannaford located at Windham ME. CPIA will receive a $1 donation for every Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet with the red circle sticker purchased at this Hannaford location in November.

Flowers can make someone’s day, brighten a room or spread a smile.
Now they can give back to our local communities, too. Purchase a
Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet at Windham Maine Hannaford in November to help our organization support our mission!

Hannaford Community Bag Program

Collins Pond Improvement Association To Benefit!

You can help our mission to protect & conserve the natural resources of Collins Pond and its shorelines, water quality & watershed by spreading the word!

The Hannaford Community Bag Program is designed to give back to the local community with every reusable bag purchased. Every $2.50 reusable Community Bag sold supports a non-profit local to the store in which it was purchased. This program offers a way for shoppers to give back as part of the regular weekly routine.

Every month, at every Hannaford location a different local non-profit is selected to benefit from the sale of these special reusable Community Bags. Collins Pond Improvement Association was selected as the August beneficiary by local store leadership at the store located at Windham. CPIA will receive a $1 donation for every $2.50 reusable Community Bag purchased at this location in August.

For more information about the Hannaford Community Bag Program, please visit