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North Windham Sewer Project

Windham and the Portland Water District are working together to find a solution aimed at “protecting public health and the environment and promoting sustainable economic and community development.”

The above statement is copied from the Town of Windham web page. Here is the link to take you to more information on the current process:

On Tuesday April 12th, the final agenda item on the Town Council meeting that evening is the North Windham Sewer Project Update. For anyone not following the progress of this project, it is suggested that you follow the above link and review the project documents. The proposal is to build a sewage treatment plant that would be built on Town property across Sposedo Road from the Manchester School. Again from the above link is the following:

Construct a public wastewater system and remove approximately 100 septic systems which will eliminate 22,000 lbs
of nitrogen and 3,000 lbs of phosphorous from being discharged into the North Windham aquifer.
o Construct over 3-miles of collection and pumping system to connect businesses and residents to the system.
o Treat wastewater through an advanced micro-filtration system. This innovative system will allow for direct
drip dispersal on site and eliminate pollution. This project will be the first of this magnitude in Maine and
can be a model for other communities who lack receiving waters.
• A wastewater system will allow for sustainable economic growth.
o Current businesses will be able to grow and new businesses can be sited without further degrading the
aquifer and utilizing valuable real estate for septic systems.
o The new system will encourage higher density business growth and less sprawl.

The wastewater drip dispersal would be distributed under the playing fields at the Manchester School.

There is a public meeting and information session held by the Portland Water District scheduled for April 27th at 6:30pm that will be held at the Manchester School Cafeteria.

Read the available information and plan to come to the public meeting to get more information.


Little Sebago Lake started its State mandated water level draw down for Winter on October 15th. The water release rate may accelerate over the next several weeks due to needed repairs to their release mechanism. As always, we coordinate with the Little Sebago Lake Dam Keeper to prevent our water level from becoming too high. Also, the Collins Pond water level is annually lowered at this time to lessen damage to the shorelines from ice expansion.

Recent water level changes

Starting in early July, due to the recent heavy rainstorms, Little Sebago Lake’s Dam Keeper partially opened their Hopkins dam to keep that lake at the State mandated level. We opened the Collins Pond dam in response to try to maintain a constant lake level. On Sunday, 7/25, the LSL dam was closed to only a 5% release. Our dam was closed about 12 hours later, just a little late to maintain the normal level. It is difficult to gage the correct time to open and close and also how much to adjust. Close too early and our lake level rises too much. Currently the level is low but is expected to gradually rise back to its normal level.


As mandated by the State of Maine, Little Sebago Lake will close the Hopkins Dam on April 15th to start to bring that lake up to its summer level. Some years ago an agreement was reached with the State to set the summer and winter water levels on Little Sebago Lake to settle disagreements among property owners. Since this is the upstream water source for Collins Pond, our dam will start to close a few days before this to bring our lake level back up to a normal summer level.


Little Sebago Lake started its State mandated water level draw down for Winter on October 15th. We coordinate with them to maintain a constant level and will be opening our dam today. The Collins Pond water level is annually lowered to lessen damage to the shorelines from ice expansion. This year our draw down will be delayed until after November 6th due to the final week of milfoil removal by New England Milfoil.

Water level changes

Little Sebago Lake had to release some water this week so you may notice the Collins Pond water level vary as we try to match this new inflow. The LSL DamKeeper opened his dam about 5% on 5/14 in the evening and we adjusted about 24 hours later to release some.

Water Level

As of April 15, 2020 the Little Sebago Lake dam has been closed to bring that lake up to the State mandated summer level. On April 16th the Collins Pond dam has also been closed. Adjustments will be made, as always, to try to maintain a constant water level.

Water levels on the pond this Fall 2019

As Little Sebago Lake has maintenance performed on their dam, there will be small water releases which may slightly affect the Collins Pond water level. For larger releases we will also open for short periods, as just happened on Sept 8th. A reminder that Little Sebago Lake starts their mandated water level draw down for the winter on October 15th. We will open our dam at that time also to maintain a lower level for the winter. This is intended to limit damage from ice to the shoreline during the winter.